About Delta Agrar

Delta Agrar is a well-known domestic agricultural company, a leader in the field of agriculture and an exporter in more than 20 markets in the EU, Russia and Southeast Europe. We distribute seeds, pesticides and machinery, as well as trade in market commodities, fruits and vegetables. In addition to the extremely developed agro-distribution network, we achieve growth and development by applying the latest knowledge in the production of cereals, fruits and vegetables, industrial plants, and in animal husbandry. Through intense implementation of world technologies in agriculture, staff development, and continuous improvement of knowledge, we have been keeping up with worldwide trends.

As a company with more than 970 employees, we hold the leading position by continuing education and adoption of new knowledge from the most agriculturally developed countries. By transferring knowledge and skills, we contribute to agricultural development and economic growth as a whole.

We have been continuously developing the domestic selection of soybean and our brand “Selsem”, which has been present on the market for more than 30 years. Delta Agrar is the owner of one of the most modern processing plants in this part of Europe.

Markets in the EU